12 April 2004

(8) Crow Augury, Indian style

In the former post I wrote about the Tibetan system of crow augury. There I said that the Tibetan system originated in India: in the early ninth century an Indian pandit translated a Sanskrit text entitled 'Kakajarita' into the Tibetan language. This translation was then incorporated into the Tibetan Tanjur, or Buddhist canon, and thus crow augury became established in Tibet.

I could not find the Sanskrit original, the Kakajarita, but a while ago I discovered something on the web what might well be the modern version of Indian crow augury, and perhaps a version following the 'rules' of that millenium old text.

The crow calls, as expressed in the text that follows, are almost certainly those made by the Indian house crow, a crow species that's omnipresent in India.
Furthermore I want to note that the text seems to contain some translation errors (Indian>English).



Since ancient time people believe that if a crow caws on the
roof, in threshold, or inform of the house at dawn, it is a
sign that someone dear will visit the house. It turns out to
be true in most cases. Thus, the crow is such a bird with
which omens, both good as well as bad have been attached. It
is believed that if the crow perches on someone's head his
life becomes crisis ridden. Crows start their daily life with peep
of dawn and retire to their nests at dusk. Thus omens attached
to them for the 4 quarters, each of three hours duration, of
the day are as follows.

First quarter (PRAHARA)

*In the first quarter cawing of craws is heard from the
eastern side, soul benefit occurs.
*If in the first quarter, cawing of crows is heard from the
northern side, profit occurs in money. Hence one may take a
lottery etc at this omen.
*If in the first quarter, cawing of crow is heard in the
western side all the things go against expectations.
*If in the morning, cawing of crow is heard in southern side
enemies harass well.
*Cawing of crows in the north- easterly direction angers
*Similarly if the cawing is heard in the north- westerly
direction expectations don't materialize
*If in the first quarter of the day this bird caws in the
south-westerly direction, compromise has to be made with the
enemies or more than expected benefit occurs
*Similarly, if a crow caws in the south- easterly direction
in the first quarter of the day, assistemei from the woman
folk of the enemies is received.

Second quarter

*If in the second quarter of the day of the day cawing of
crow is heard in the east, life patner is received.
*If in the second quarter of the day a crow caws in the
north, it is a comforting omen.
*Similarly, if a crow caws in the west during the second
*If in the second quarter of the day, crow caws in the south,
the hearer gets honor in the society.
*Similarly, if a crow caws in the northeast during the second
quarter it is totally an inauspicious sign.
*In the second quarter of the day if the cawing of crows is
heard in the northwest, it is not a good omen for the son.
*Similarly if the crow caws in the southwest during the
second quarter, one should get alert at once.
*If in the second quarter, the crow caws in the southeast, it
becomes the cause of quarrel.

Third quarter

*If in the third quarter, a crow caws in the east, heavy rain
falls in the city, year of theft increases or the enemy
accepts his defeat thus making you the victor.
*If in the third quarter, crow caws in the north it shows
mixed omens. With efforts one can get money as well.
*If in the third quarter, a crows caws in the west, desired
things are achieved, richness comes and one gets rid of the
enemies also.
*Similarly if the crow caws in the south during the third
quarter. Loss of honor occurs. Inauspicious news may also
come and quarrels may also occur.
*If in the third quarter, a crow caws in the northeast, it
omens our disease or other crisis, otherwise rain may fall
that day.
*If in the third quarter of a day a crow caws in the
northwest, the hearer gets monetary benefits, get rid of the
disease that is, it is good omen.
*Similarly, if a crow caws in the southwest during the third
quarter it indicates occurrence of disease or any other
*If in the third quarter, a crow caws in the southeast, loss
in honor occurs, inauspicious news received, quarrels and

Fourth quarter

*If in the fourth quarter, a crow caws in the east, one gets
honor or some inauspicious news is to be received.
*Similarly if the cawing of a crow is heard in the north in
the fourth quarter, one who meets his beloved or gets the
opportunity of monetary benefit, travel etc through efforts
which ever lover or beloved ones gets is pretty and
*If in the fourth quarter, cawing of crows is heard in the
west one meets such a person who causes him monetary
*If in the fourth quarter cawing of the crow is heard in the
south, one must be alert of his enemies, and avoid eating
and drinking freely and maintain a distance from vehicles
while walking on the road.
*Similarly if in the fourth quarter, crowing of crows is
heard in the northeast, the hearer gets frustrated or some
inauspicious occurs inadvertently.
*If in the fourth quarter, crowing of crows is heard in the
northwest, it proves beneficial. One gets free from disease,
it rains or one gets an opportunity of travel. Meeting with
some pretty girl is also possible.
*If in the fourth quarter, a crow caws in the southwest, the
hearer must get to sleep peacefully covering himself with
sheet and ignore any kind of voice or noise.
*If in the fourth quarter, a crowing of a crow is heard in
the southeast, fear of disease in increases or one meets a
good friend.

Thus all the descriptions written above is proven. But it has
to be remembered as to what was the tone of the crowing. How
were the physical efforts of the crow? And what was its
position? As far as the omens are concerned, omens related to
the crow have a very wide field.

*If someone is starting and the crow discharges its dropping on him,
and that dropping falls on the back of the person, he finishes his task
*If the dropping falls on an unmarried person he gets married soon.
*If someone before starting for a task faces
a crow and he offers him grains and the crow accepts these
grains, that person succeeds in his task otherwise not.
*Similarly, if fighting crows fall near or at the feet, it
shows the end of a continuing or would-be crisis.
*If, on any day, many crows fly overhead crowing, that person should get
ready with the finest clothes washed and ironed, for he may be
called for a feast. However if too many crows fly overhead
without reason it shows a certain danger for the head of the
*If for any reason, members of the household discover a
dead crow on their roof they must arrange to cremate the crow
respectfully and prayers to purify the ambiance.
*If the crow casts a thing or at the gate of the house, the person
may get things early.
*If cereals are thrown it shows increment in cereals.
*If in the fourth quarter of any date a crow begins to fly overhead,
one must expect to get good news.
*If in any quarter of the day, a crow begins to caw in a harsh tone
sitting on an iron thing facing the south it is inauspicious.
*Similarly if the crow caws while sitting on wood one gets
auspicious news.
*Seeing the bird in dreams is not regarded as unsuspicious.

Result of Crow Touch

*If in open atmosphere, a flying crow's pass crouching your
forehead inadvertently, it ends up good luck for that person.
*If a crow touches or collides with the shoulder while going
some where, enemies take control of that person.
*If a crow falls or touches the feet while going out in the
morning, that fills the life of the person with joy, he
makes progress, earns money, get special honor and his
enemies bow before him.
*If a crow picks up a thing from the saucer while eating, one
must concede his defeat for he will certainly meet defeat in
litigation or disputes.
*If a crow drops anything on a person leaving for some task.
The person gets benefit. Cereals, sweetmeats etc give
excellent benefit while bone etc gets medium benefit.

Call of the Crow

Usually a crow caws in the morning kuan-kaun
tone. But often it gives certain omens with different tones
as well. Apart from its usual kaun-kaun call, a crow caws in
different types of tones, which may startle a casual listener.
But it is proven now that crow has a capacity to call in
different tones, which are described here as far as possible.


*Cawing in "Kekan-kekan" tone, the crow informs about the
arrival of some clear omen.
*Calling in "Koi-koi" tone, the crow hints at some benefit.
*If a crow calls in "Kren-kren", the listener will meet a
beautiful woman.
*"Kun-kun" tone shows special benefit, while long drawn call
indicates death.
*"Kolo-kolo" call indicates a fall in the price of cereals.
*"Kah-kah" call shows help from the ruler.
*With "Kan-Kan" call crow indicates beneficial coincidence.
*If a crow calls in "Koin-Koin" tone it hints at he death of
the ruler.
*If the crow calls in "Kron-Kron" tone, the listener gets the
blessing of decreased omens in his dreams.
*"Kekan Kekan" calls of a crow causes panic in the city.
*If "Kul-Kul" or "Kuloo-Kuloo" or "Kul-Kuloo" call is heard
then the listener gets new clothes.
*"Krunnt-Krunnt" calls of the crow indicate a promotion.

Thus different types of tones can be heard in the call of the
crow and the result of these calls are also different. The
crow is indeed a reliable forecaster. Thus the fact can not be
doubted. The crow is also not an ungrateful bird. From which
household it gets it's food it does everything for the
progress of that household. By regularly giving them food and
water. Rahu and Ketu are also purified.

Result of Crows Call as Per Ghari

In Indian astrology, the time of the day has been divided into
shorter periods than hours. These periods are called GHARI,
which is of 24-min duration. Thus there are roughly 3 gharis
in an hour. The following description is based on the Ghari
classification of time.

*If in the first ghari of the morning a crow calls in
"Aya-Aya" tone pappy will prevail everywhere that day
*If in the second ghari of the morning, a crow calls in"
Kaun-Kaun"tone in the Fire-Angle (a Vastu form- meaning the
southeast corner) mournful news is certain. But if the crow
calls with its beak facing up, sad news arrives from abroad,
if it calls with its beak down one gets sorrow from the son.

*If the crow calls "Muy-Muy" with its beek facing south, the
landlord will get unexpected money.
*If in the fourth ghari of the morning a crow calls "Muy-Muy"
in the Nairitya Kona (Southwest) house is prone to be
burglary and fire. If the crow is calling with beak up house
is subjected to terror from the rule, and if it is calling
with beak down there are other fears.
*If in the fifth ghari of the morning, a crow calls
"Ahaa-Ahaa" with its beak to the west, then the listener
gets money that day.
*If in the sixth ghari after morning a crow calls
"Kahaa-Kahaa" with its beak to the West, it shows
fulfillment of the task or desires.
*If in the seventh ghari after the morning in the Vaya Kone
(Northwest) a crow calls "Ahey-Ahey" death will occur due to
illness. And if the crow calls "Ja-Ja" during the seventh
ghari soon other news will be received.
*If in the eighth ghari after morning a crow call "Ha- Ha" in
the Ishan Kone (Northeast) regard it as death message, that
is the listener will get the news of death of news from
*If in the ninth ghari after the morning a crow calls "Ha-Ha"
over the head, the listener will get the news of prayer that
*If in the tenth ghari of the day a crow calls "Ava-Ava"
before someone it is auspious.
*If in the eleventh ghari of the day, a crow calls
"Bhaj-Bhaj" in the "Agni Kona" (Southeast) it must be
regarded as an indication for the birth of a son.
*If in the twelfth ghari of the day a crow calls "Jaya- Jaya"
in the "Vayu Kona" (Northwest) it shows imminent sorrow.
*If in the thirteenth ghari of the day a cow calls "Ka-Ka" in
the "Naritya Kona" (Southwest), it must be understood that
it is calling grieve and sorrow.
*If in the fourteenth ghari a crow calls "Kova-Kova" it shows
beginning of years.
*If in the fifteenth ghari, a crow calls "Ja-Ja" in the Ishan
Kona (Northeast), it shows great sorrow.
*If in the sixteenth ghari of the day, a crow calls "Ay-Ay"in
the South, it shows meeting with a friend.
*If in the seventeenth ghari of the day, a crow calls "Ay-Ay
in the South, it shows great sorrow.
*If in the eighteenth ghari of the day a crow calls
"Khava-Khava" in the "Vayu Kona" (Northwest) it shows
benefit in some big venture.
*If in the nineteenth ghari of the day a crow calls
"Maha-Maha" in the east it shows an imminent foreign travel.

*If in the twentieth ghari of the day, a crow calls "Aya-Aya"
in the north it shows unexpected money.
*In the twenty-first ghari of the day, a crow calls "Sa-Sa"
with its beak up it shows that the inhabitant of that house
will receive all the benefits on the earth.
*In the twenty-second ghari of the day, if a crow calls
"Akaa-Akaa" in the east it shows getting of some unpredicted
*If in the twenty- third ghari of the day, if a crow calls
"Advya-Advya" in the "Agni Kona"(Southeast) the owner of the
house will get all the luxuries.
*If in the twenty- fourth ghari of the day, if a crow calls
"Ova-Ova" in the south it shows imminent famine.
*If in the twenty-fifth ghari of the day, a crow calls
"Khaye-Khaye"in the "Nairitya Kona"(Southwest) occupants of
the house will have fear from the snake.
*If in the twenty-sixth ghari of the day, a crow calls
"Ah-Ah" in the west, the owner of the house will get benefit
*If in the twenty- seventh ghari of the day, a crow calls
"Aha-Aha" in the north, it shows great pleasure for the
owner of the house.
*If in the twenty-eighth ghari of the day, a crow calls
"Sa-Sa" in the Ishan Kona (Northeast) it shows fulfillment
of the house owners desires.
*If in the twenty- ninth ghari of the day, a crow calls
"Aksan-Akshan" over the head, that person will have an
enjoyable day.
*If in the thirtieth ghari of the day, a crow calls
"Ava-Ava",the listener will get a news of great sorrow.